The farm is finally coming together and now is the time to dive back into making art. Since I have moved, so much of my time has been devoted to managing the animals and farm buildings, leaving little time for creative work. I have tried some new media with portraits of family members (encaustic, oil and cold wax), as well as some new ceramic designs (baskets and decorative serving dishes). Some are listed on my new website, while others need to be added.
My Alpaca Trixie gave birth to beautiful little Zoey this summer. This picture is an hour after she was born.
My fabulously smart and wonderful border collie Maya got a new sister (different bloodlines) named Phoebe.
Sheba, my white alpaca, is doing fine and still as bossy as ever. She lost a baby during birth in July.
My goats are doing well and growing fleece like crazy. I never thought I would be trying to shear a goat. Luckily, they are forgiving for bad haircuts.
Plans are to keep everyone posted more often on life here on the farm. My studio is almost completed and is ready for the winter. A big old "Earth Stove" will keep me warm while I work on my art.