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Writer's pictureCynthia Tipton

Building an overhead video rack

Being far from a professional photographer, I have been having trouble finding a way to suspend my camera in a way to get an overhead view of what I am making. There are professional things I could buy, but I did not want to spend money if I did not have to. After watching a lot of youtube videos and sleeping on it, I came up with my own design.

Now.... Being able to make art does not mean you can do even the simplest carpentry. If you look closely you will see lots of mistakes. But it works!

I started by gathering a bunch of scrap wood from the garage. I built two "ladders" and did not get the bottems level. I eventually used shims to get that part to work. Here you see them clamped together to keep the "rungs" even while I level up the bottoms.

Once leveled, I fastened the ladders to 2x4s with L-brackets (cheap ones). Then I made a simple camera mount on a 1x2 that could be slid into what ever "rung" on the ladder brought it to the right height. The sides can be brought closer in a smaller area or spread far for a larger shot.

Though it is not the prettiest piece of photo gear, it works.

Hope this helps a fellow artist to get those good birdseye videos.

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